
In addition to the custom commands, it is possible to extend fin further with addons per project or per host. Addons are community submitted commands and can be found in the Docksal Addons Repository. In order to use addons, fin version 1.7.0 or higher is required.

Installing to Project

Installing an addon can be as simple executing the addon command within the project that the addon should be added for.

fin addon install <name>

Fin will first look for the addon in the ~/.docksal/addons directory. If it is not located there, then it will attempt to search the Docksal Addons Repository.

Removing from Project

To remove an addon run:

fin addon remove <name>

Current List of Addons

Here is a list of already created addons that can help extend functionality for your project.

Name Description Requirements
example A working documentation on what is Docksal addon and how it works
adminer Adminer database management tool MySQL
andock Andock makes it dead simple to get Docksal environments up on your server. Docksal
artisan Runs Laravel’s Artisan command in cli. Requires artisan pre-installed inside cli. Laravel, Artisan
blt Acquia BLT tool launcher (requires BLT installation) Drupal
codeclimate CodeClimate code quality tool
dbeaver Launches DBeaver with the connection information for current project. macOS, Linux
mailpit Mailpit email capture service for current project
meilisearch Meilisearch search for local development
mkcert mkcert addon for Docksal
phpcs PHP Code Sniffer and Code Beautifier
phpunit Creates a phpunit.xml file and runs PHPUnit tests Drupal
pma PhpMyAdmin database management tool MySQL
pull Pull assets from hosting environment to local Drupal
rabbitmq RabbitMQ Message Broker RabbitMQ
redis Add Redis to current project
sequelace Launches SequelAce with the connection information for current project. macOS
sequelpro Launches SequelPro with the connection information for current project. macOS
simpletest Runs SimpleTest tests in Drupal 7 and 8 Drupal
sitediff Runs Sitediff tests in your Docksal project
soketi Socketi Soketi is your simple, fast, and resilient open-source WebSockets server
solr Apache Solr search service for current project
tableplus Launches TablePlus with the connection information for current project. macOS
uli Generate one time login url for current site Drupal
wkhtmltopdf Installs wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5 with QT compiled in.
xdebug Turns xdebug on or off and restarts docksal

NOTE: This list may not be up to date. To see a more comprehensive list consult the Docksal Addons Repository.

Creating Addons

To create an addon the following example can be followed.

Other than that, the bare minimum is necessary.

  • A folder that is the name of your addon. Careful when choosing a name. Make sure it is a machine readable name using only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores. All other characters should be avoided.
  • Next, create a file within that addon folder that is the same name as the addon. This is where the base of the addon command will live. Example if my addon’s name was example, my folder structure would look like example/example.
#!/usr/bin/env bash


## Example addon
## This is an example addon. It's purpose is to show sample folder structure
## and concepts of creating addons.
##   fin example <command>
## Usage:
##   hello      Say Hello!
##   version     Display addon version

case "$1" in
		echo "Hello!"
		echo "$VERSION"
		fin help example
  • Lastly, if you want to include more than a single script file, create a file that is the same name as the addon with the extension .filelist at the end of it. For example, if the addon’s name was example, the file name would be example/example.filelist. This file will contain any additional files within the addon folder that should be included at the time of install.
# If you want to include more than a single script file,
# you do it by creating addon.filelist file
# where all additional files should be described.
# One line per file, paths relative to current folder.

# Here is additional files

# If you want to use hooks they should also be included here
# or they won't get downloaded and executed

Install Hooks for an Addon

When adding or removing an addon, it can contain a set of pre and post commands that will be executed. Example use cases would be to add/remove a service to the projects docksal.yml. Each use case will vary but they are available for use if necessary. For instance, an addon named example that needs to execute a process before it is installed would be located in the file named example/example.pre-install. This file should also be included within the example/example.filelist file as noted above.

Phase Process File Extension
Before Install .pre-install
After Install .post-install
Before Uninstall .pre-uninstall
After Uninstall .post-install

Global Addons

A global addon is similar to a global custom command. It is stored in $HOME/.docksal/addons and is accessible globally. This is useful for tedious tasks that you need in every project.

To install an addon globally:

fin addon install --global <name>