Custom Configuration

Docksal provides a lot of flexibility in the way project stacks can be configured.

You can go from zero-config, to customized, to entirely custom stack configurations.

Customized Configuration

Customized configurations are useful whenever you need a bit (or a lot) more from your project stack.

Such configurations rely on a managed stack, but extend it with additional docker-compose overrides and definitions via the .docksal/docksal.yml file.


  • Extend the default stack with the Mailpit service to capture outbound emails
  • Repurpose the cli service to run a different command on startup (e.g., a node app instead of PHP-FPM).
  • Pass variables from the host/project config inside containers

Passing Variables to Containers

You may add environment variables that you can pass into containers through the docksal.env or docksal-local.env files. These are easily set using fin config set:

fin config set MY_CUSTOM_VARIBLE='test key'

Variable values can be statically set or passed from the host. See example below.

# docksal.yml
      - MY_CUSTOM_VARIABLE # Variable value passed from the host environment (values in docksal.env take precedence)
      - MY_STATIC_VARIABLE=api_test_key # Variable value statically set

Custom Configuration

Advanced users can manage their project stack configuration with pure docker-compose.

Custom configurations do not include a managed stack (this is the key different between custom and customized configurations). The complete docker-compose definition is managed via the .docksa/docksal.yml file.

To switch to a custom configuration stack, run this in your project directory:

fin config rm DOCKSAL_STACK

Check the resulting docker-compose configuration with fin config show and apply with fin project start or fin project reset.

You may notice that Docksal still includes configuration for managed volumes (which depends on the host OS/hypervisor) to simplify mounting of the host’s file system (notably, the project_root volume).

Volumes can also be disabled, if you’d like to have a completely empty starting point for your docker-compose config. To disable managed volumes, run this in the project directory:

fin config set DOCKSAL_VOLUMES=disabled

Check the resulting docker-compose configuration with fin config show and apply with fin project reset.

You may still utilize a mix of managed services (from $HOME/.docksal/stacks/services/yml) and custom services with custom configurations.

Support for docksal.env and environment specific files (e.g., docksal-local.env, docksal-local.yml) will still work with custom configurations.

Don’t Break Your Docksal Setup! List of Must Have Values

Certain configuration settings in yaml files are required for your Docksal stack to function properly.


In the web service, there are settings defined in the volumes, labels, environment, and depends_on sections. You should not remove or change these values.

      # Project root volume
      - project_root:/var/www:ro,nocopy,cached
      - io.docksal.virtual-host=${VIRTUAL_HOST},*.${VIRTUAL_HOST},${VIRTUAL_HOST}.*
      - io.docksal.cert-name=${VIRTUAL_HOST_CERT_NAME:-none}
      - io.docksal.project-root=${PROJECT_ROOT}
      - io.docksal.permanent=${SANDBOX_PERMANENT:-false}
      - APACHE_DOCUMENTROOT=/var/www/${DOCROOT:-docroot}
    # cli has to be up before web
      - cli


In the cli service, there is the volumes section. You should not remove or change these volumes.

      # Project root volume
      - project_root:/var/www:rw,nocopy,cached
      # Shared ssh-agent socket
      - docksal_ssh_agent:/.ssh-agent:ro