fin help


Docksal command line utility (v1.118.0)

Docksal Docs:
Sponsor ❤ Docksal:

  fin [command]            	

Management Commands:
  addon <command>          	Addons management commands: install, remove (fin help addon)
  alias <command>          	Manage aliases that allow fin @alias execution (fin help alias)
  db <command>             	Manage databases (fin help db)
  hosts <command>          	Hosts file commands: add, remove, list (fin help hosts)
  project <command>        	Manage project(s) (fin help project)
  ssh-key <command>        	Manage SSH keys (fin help ssh-key)
  system <command>         	Manage Docksal state (fin help system)
  vm <command>             	Manage Docksal VM (fin help vm)

  bash [service]           	Open shell into service's container. Defaults to cli
  config [command]         	Show or change configuration (fin help config)
  exec <command|file>      	Execute a command or a script in cli
  exec-url <url>           	Download script from URL and run it on host (URL should be public)
  init                     	Initialize a project (override it with your own automation, see fin help init)
  image <command>          	Image management commands: registry, save, load (fin help image)
  logs [service]           	Show service logs (e.g., Apache logs, MySQL logs) and Unison logs (fin help logs)
  pull [options]           	Commands for interacting with Hosting Providers (fin help pull)
  run-cli (rc) <command>   	Run a command in a standalone cli container in the current directory (fin help run-cli)
  share                    	Create temporary public url for current project using ngrok
  share-v2                 	Create a temporary public URL for the project using Cloudflare Tunnel
  vhosts                   	List all virtual *.docksal hosts registered in Docksal proxy

Docker command wrappers
  docker (d) <command>     	Run Docker commands directly
  docker-compose (dc) <command>	Run Docker Compose commands directly
  docker-machine (dm) <command>	Run Docker Machine commands directly

Misc. command wrappers
  composer <command>       	Run Composer commands
  drush <command>          	Drush command (requires Drupal)
  drupal <command>         	Drupal Console command (requires Drupal 8)
  platform <command>'s CLI (requires docksal/cli 2.3+)
  terminus <command>       	Pantheon's Terminus (requires docksal/cli 2.1+)
  wp <command>             	WordPress CLI command (requires WordPress)

  cleanup [options]        	Remove all unused Docker images, unused Docksal volumes and containers
  diagnose                 	Show diagnostic information for troubleshooting and bug reporting
  sysinfo                  	Show system information
  update [options]         	Update Docksal
  version (--version, v, -v)	Print fin version. [v, -v] prints short version


Docksal Addons management commands.
See available addons in the Addons Repository

Usage: addon <command> <name>

  install <name>           	Install addon
  remove <name>            	Remove addon

  fin addon install solr   	Install solr addon to the current project
  fin addon remove solr    	Uninstall solr addon from the current project


Create, update, or delete project aliases.
Aliases provide functionality that is similar to drush aliases.
With alias you are able to execute a command in a project without navigating to the project folder.
You can precede any command with an alias.
Aliases are effectively symlinks stored in $HOME/.docksal/alias

Usage: alias <command or path> [alias_name]

  list                     	Show aliases list
  <path> <alias_name>      	Create/update alias with <alias_name> that links to <path>
  remove <alias_name>      	Remove alias

  fin alias ~/site1/docroot dev		Create or update an alias dev that is linked to ~/site1/docroot
  fin @project1 drush st   		Execute `drush st` command in directory linked by project1 alias
                           		Hint: create alias linking to Drupal sub-site to launch targeted commands
  fin alias remove project1		Delete project1 alias


Database management commands

Usage: db <command> [file] [options]

  import [file] [options]  	Truncate the database and import from SQL dump file or stdin.
           --progress      	Show import progess (requires pv).
           --no-truncate   	Do no truncate database before import.
  dump [file]              	Dump a database into an SQL dump file or stdout.
  list (ls)                	Show list of existing databases.
  cli [query]              	Open command line interface to the DB server (and execute query if provided).
  create <name>            	Create a database.
  drop <name>              	Delete a database.
  truncate [name]          	Truncate a database (defaults to the `default`)

  --db=drupal              	Use another database (default is the one set with 'MYSQL_DATABASE')
  --db-user=admin          	Use another mysql username (default is 'root')
  --db-password=p4$$       	Use another database password (default is the one set with 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD', see fin config)
  --db-charset=utf8        	Override charset when creating a database (default is utf8)
  --db-collation=utf8mb4   	Override collation when creating a database (default is utf8_general_ci)

  fin db import ~/dump.sql 			Import from dump.sql file
  fin db import ~/dump.sql --progress		Import from dump.sql file showing import progress
  fin db import ~/partial.sql --no-truncate	Import partial.sql without truncating DB

  cat dump.sql | fin db import			Import dump from stdin into default database
  zcat < dump.sql.gz | fin db import		Import archived dump from stdin into default database
  fin db dump ~/dump.sql   			Export default database into dump.sql
  fin db dump --db=drupal  			Export database 'drupal' dump into stdout
  fin db dump --db=mysql --db-user=root --db-password=root mysql.sql    Export mysql database as root into mysql.sql	

  fin db cli --db=nondefault 'select * from users'    Execute query on database other than MYSQL_DATABASE	
  fin db create project2 --db-charset=utf8mb4    Create database project2 with utf8mb4 charset	


Add or remove lines to/from OS-dependent hosts file (e.g., /etc/hosts)

Usage: hosts [command]

  add [hostname]           	Add hostname to hosts file. If none provided uses VIRTUAL_HOST
  remove [hostname]        	Remove lines containing hostname from hosts file. If none provided uses VIRTUAL_HOST
  list                     	Output hosts file

  fin hosts add            	Append current project's VIRTUAL_HOST to hosts file
  fin hosts add demo.docksal	Append a line ' demo.docksal' to hosts file
  fin hosts remove         	Remove current project's VIRTUAL_HOST from hosts file
  fin hosts remove demo.docksal	Remove *all* lines containing demo.docksal from hosts file
  fin hosts                	Output hosts file


Project management

Usage: project <command> [params]

  start                    	Start project services (alias: fin start)
  up                       	Configuration re-read and start project services (alias: fin up)
  stop [option] [service]  	Stop all or specified project services (alias: fin stop)
    --all (-a)             	Stop all services on all Docksal projects

  status                   	List project services (alias: fin ps)
  restart                  	Restart project services (alias: fin restart)
  reset [service]          	Recreate all or specified project services, their containers and volumes

  remove [option] [service]	Remove all project services, networks and all their volumes, or specified services only
      rm [option] [service]	
    --force (-f)           	Do not ask for confirmation when deleting all project services

  list [option]            	List running Docksal projects (alias: fin pl)
    --all (-a)             	List all Docksal projects (stopped as well)

  create [options]         	Create a new project with a pre-configured boilerplate:
                           	Drupal, Wordpress, Magento, Laravel, Backdrop, Hugo, Gatsby, and others
    --name=name            	Provide project name upfront
    --choice=#             	Provide software choice number upfront
    --repo=name            	Clone from a custom repo: name (--choice is set to '0' automatically)
    --branch=name          	Clone from a custom repo: branch name (optional)
    --yes (-y)             	Avoid confirmation

  config                   	Show project configuration
  build                    	Build or rebuild services (alias for 'docker-compose build')

  fin pl -a                	List all known Docksal projects, including stopped ones
  fin project reset db     	Reset only DB service to start with DB from scratch
  fin project create       	Start a new project wizard
  fin project create --name=myproject --repo=	
                           	Initialize project from a custom git repo


Manage SSH keys loaded into Docksal

  Private SSH keys loaded into the secure docksal-ssh-agent service are accessible to all project containers.	
  This allows containers to connect to the external SSH servers that require SSH keys	
  without a need to copy over the key into the container every time.	
  Default keys id_rsa/id_dsa/id_ecdsa/id_ed25519 are loaded automatically on every project start.	

Usage: fin ssh-key <command> [params]

  add [key-name] [--quiet] 	Add a private SSH key from $HOME/.ssh by file name
                           	Adds all default keys (id_rsa/id_dsa/id_ecdsa/id_ed25519) if no file name is given.
                           	Suppress key already loaded notifications if --quiet option specified.
  ls                       	List SSH keys loaded in the docksal-ssh-agent
  rm                       	Remove all keys from the docksal-ssh-agent
  new [key-name]           	Generate a new SSH key pair

  fin ssh-key add          	Loads all SSH keys with default names: id_rsa/id_dsa/id_ecdsa from $HOME/.ssh/
  fin ssh-key add server_rsa	Loads the key stored in $HOME/.ssh/server_id_rsa into the agent
  fin ssh-key new server2_rsa	Generates a new SSH key pair in ~/.ssh/server2_id_rsa


Manage Docksal system status (Docker should be running)

Usage: system <command> [params]

  reset                    	Reset Docksal
  start                    	Start Docksal
  stop                     	Stop Docksal
  status                   	Check Docksal status

  fin system reset         	Reset all Docksal system services and settings
  fin system reset dns     	Reset Docksal DNS service
  fin system reset vhost-proxy	Reset Docksal HTTP/HTTPS reverse proxy service (resolves *.docksal domain names into container IPs)
  fin system reset ssh-agent	Reset Docksal ssh-agent service


Control Docksal virtual machine

Usage: vm <command>

  start                    	Start the machine (create if needed)
  stop                     	Stop the machine
  kill                     	Forcibly stop the machine
  restart                  	Restart the machine
  status                   	Get the status
  ssh [command]            	Log into ssh or run a command via ssh
  remove                   	Remove Docksal machine and cleanup after it
  ip                       	Show the machine IP address
  ls                       	List all docker machines
  env                      	Display the commands to set up the shell for direct use of Docker client
  mount                    	Try remounting host filesystem (NFS on macOS, SMB on Windows)

  ram                      	Show memory size
  ram [megabytes]          	Set memory size. Default is 1024 (requires vm restart)
  hdd                      	Show disk size and usage
  stats                    	Show CPU and network usage

  regenerate-certs         	Regenerate TLS certificates and restart the VM


Display, generate, or change project configuration

Usage: config [command]

  show [options]           	Display configuration for the current project
      --show-secrets       	Do not truncate value of SECRET_* environment vars
  env                      	Display only environment variables section
  yml                      	Display static YML project config suitable for export (NOTE: SECRET_* values will not be hidden)

  generate [options]       	Generate empty Docksal configuration for the project
      --stack=acquia       	Set non-default DOCKSAL_STACK during config generate
      --docroot=mydir      	Set non-default DOCROOT during config generate

  set [options] [VAR=VAL]  	Set value(s) for the variable(s) in project ENV file
      --global             	Set for global ENV file
      --env=[name]         	Set in environment specific project ENV file

  remove [options] [VAR]   	Remove variable(s) from project ENV file
  rm [options] [VAR]       	
      --global             	Remove from global ENV file
      --env=[name]         	Remove from environment specific project ENV file

  get [options] [VAR]      	Get the value of the single variable from project ENV file
      --global             	Get value from global ENV file
      --env=[name]         	Get value from environment specific project ENV file

  fin config set DOCKER_NATIVE=1 --global	Adds DOCKER_NATIVE=1 into $HOME/.docksal/docksal.env
  fin config rm DOCKER_NATIVE --global		Removes DOCKER_NATIVE value from $HOME/.docksal/docksal.env
  fin config set DOCKSAL_STACK=acquia		Set different default stack in .docksal/docksal.env
  fin config set --env=local XDEBUG_ENABLED=1	Enable XDEBUG in .docksal/docksal-local.env


Fetch script from the public URL and evaluate locally

Usage: fin exec-url <url>


Creates default project configuration and starts a project, when no project found.
This built-in is meant to be overridden with your custom command or addon.
See on docs for creating custom commands.

Usage: init

  -		Automation example
  -	Automation example
  -						Addons repo


Docksal images listing and saving

Usage: image <command>

  registry                 	Show all Docksal images on Docker Hub
  registry [image name]    	Show all tags for a certain image
  save --system,--project,--all	Save docker images into a tar archive.
  load <file>              	Load docker images from a tar archive.

  fin image registry       	Show all available Docksal images on Docker Hub
  fin image registry docksal/db	Show all tags for docksal/db image
  fin image save --system  	Save Docksal system images.
  fin image save --project 	Save current project's images.
  fin image save --all     	Save all images available on the host.


Usage:  docker compose logs [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...]

View output from containers

      --dry-run         Execute command in dry run mode
  -f, --follow          Follow log output
      --index int       index of the container if service has multiple replicas
      --no-color        Produce monochrome output
      --no-log-prefix   Don't print prefix in logs
      --since string    Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)
  -n, --tail string     Number of lines to show from the end of the logs for each container (default "all")
  -t, --timestamps      Show timestamps
      --until string    Show logs before a timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)

  fin logs web             	Show web container logs
  fin logs -f web          	Show web container logs and follow it


Docksal command line utility (v1.118.0)

Docksal Docs:
Sponsor ❤ Docksal:

  fin [command]            	

Management Commands:
  addon <command>          	Addons management commands: install, remove (fin help addon)
  alias <command>          	Manage aliases that allow fin @alias execution (fin help alias)
  db <command>             	Manage databases (fin help db)
  hosts <command>          	Hosts file commands: add, remove, list (fin help hosts)
  project <command>        	Manage project(s) (fin help project)
  ssh-key <command>        	Manage SSH keys (fin help ssh-key)
  system <command>         	Manage Docksal state (fin help system)
  vm <command>             	Manage Docksal VM (fin help vm)

  bash [service]           	Open shell into service's container. Defaults to cli
  config [command]         	Show or change configuration (fin help config)
  exec <command|file>      	Execute a command or a script in cli
  exec-url <url>           	Download script from URL and run it on host (URL should be public)
  init                     	Initialize a project (override it with your own automation, see fin help init)
  image <command>          	Image management commands: registry, save, load (fin help image)
  logs [service]           	Show service logs (e.g., Apache logs, MySQL logs) and Unison logs (fin help logs)
  pull [options]           	Commands for interacting with Hosting Providers (fin help pull)
  run-cli (rc) <command>   	Run a command in a standalone cli container in the current directory (fin help run-cli)
  share                    	Create temporary public url for current project using ngrok
  share-v2                 	Create a temporary public URL for the project using Cloudflare Tunnel
  vhosts                   	List all virtual *.docksal hosts registered in Docksal proxy

Docker command wrappers
  docker (d) <command>     	Run Docker commands directly
  docker-compose (dc) <command>	Run Docker Compose commands directly
  docker-machine (dm) <command>	Run Docker Machine commands directly

Misc. command wrappers
  composer <command>       	Run Composer commands
  drush <command>          	Drush command (requires Drupal)
  drupal <command>         	Drupal Console command (requires Drupal 8)
  platform <command>'s CLI (requires docksal/cli 2.3+)
  terminus <command>       	Pantheon's Terminus (requires docksal/cli 2.1+)
  wp <command>             	WordPress CLI command (requires WordPress)

  cleanup [options]        	Remove all unused Docker images, unused Docksal volumes and containers
  diagnose                 	Show diagnostic information for troubleshooting and bug reporting
  sysinfo                  	Show system information
  update [options]         	Update Docksal
  version (--version, v, -v)	Print fin version. [v, -v] prints short version


Runs commands in a standalone `cli` container mapped to the current directory.
Container has a persistent $HOME directory where something can be saved in between launches.
NOTE: `fin cleanup` will clean the persistent $HOME directory

Usage: run-cli [options] <command>
       rc [options] <command>

  --clean                  	Run command with a non-persistent $HOME directory
  --cleanup                	Clean the persistent $HOME directory and run command
  --debug                  	Print container debug output
  --image=IMAGE            	Override default container image
  -e VAR=VALUE             	Pass environment variable(s) to the container
  -T                       	Disable pseudo-tty allocation (useful to get clean stdout)

  fin rc ls -la            				Current directory listing
  fin rc "ls -la > /tmp/list"				Execute advanced shell command with pipes or stdout redirects happening inside cli
  fin rc -e VAR1=hello -e VAR2=world 'echo $VAR1 $VAR2'	Print hello world using ENV variables


Create a temporary public URL for the project using ngrok

Usage: share [options]

  --host                   	Override a hostname for ngrok to route to (default is $VIRTUAL_HOST)

  You will get public web address in the ngrok command line UI.	
  Press Ctrl+C to stop sharing and quit command line UI	

  fin share --host=subdomain.mysite.docksal	Expose certain subdomain


Create a temporary public URL for the project using Cloudflare Tunnel

Usage: share-v2 [command]

  start                    	Start tunnel and print public URL
  stop                     	Stop tunnel
  status                   	Prints tunnel status and public URL (if Active)
  url                      	Prints tunnel public URL
  logs                     	Prints tunnel container logs

  fin share-v2 start       	Start tunnel and print public URL


Remove all unused Docker images, and Docksal related volumes and orphaned containers to save disk space.
Orphaned are those containers which project folders were deleted from the filesystem,
but the containers still linger in the Docker.

Usage: cleanup [options]

  --images                 	Docker images cleanup Wizard
  --hard                   	Remove ALL stopped containers even unrelated to Docksal (potentially destructive operation)

  fin cleanup              	Regular cleanup
  fin cleanup --images     	Docker Images cleanup wizard, helping to navigate and delete unused ones
  fin cleanup --hard       	Run hard cleanup removing all stopped Docker containers


Update Docksal system components to the latest stable version

Usage: update

  --system-images          	Update system images
  --project-images         	Update project images
  --self                   	Update fin executbale
  --tools                  	Update tools
  --stack                  	Update config files
  --bash-complete          	Install bash completions

  fin update --project-images	Pull the latest project specific images
  DOCKSAL_UPDATE_VERSION=develop fin update	Update Docksal to the latest development version